Welcome to OIST: A university for the future

The Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University (OIST) published its brand new Welcome Brochure last week. I am delighted to have contributed by writing the feature stories about 17 research units, such as the Neuronal Rhythms in Movement Unit (pictured). It was a challenge to finish 17 final drafts in six weeks; I became a writing machine and we got it done thanks to excellent coordination, editing and support from Neil and Natori-san in the Communications Department. The photography by Kenji Togo and layout by Kaori Serakaki really make the brochure pop. I imagine most people will enjoy the photos and skim the stories, jumping in for a deeper read when they find a subject that interests them. There is definitely a little something for everyone in there with such a fascinating variety of research ongoing at OIST.

Check out the OIST Welcome Brochure online here.

Photo Credit: Kenji Togo/OIST.